Thursday, 18 September 2014

Tong Kooi Ong's Portfolio

Yesterday, my portfolio increased while the broader market continued to fall.

The portfolio value increased by 0.34% to RM107,247.43 while the FBM KLCI fell by  0.19%.

Total returns for the portfolio increased from 6.9% to 7.2%.

The portfolio started on 8 July 2014 with a capital of RM100,000. Since then, it has outperformed the FBM KLCI by 9.8%, and has registered an annualised return of 36.7%.

Total profits currently stand at RM 7,247.43..

The gainers for the portfolio were Brite-Tech(+3.3%) and Camres (+12.9%). The stocks that lost considerable ground were UOADev (-2.8%) and Chuan (-2.6%).

There were no trade transactions yesterday.

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